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 WWW           Questions for Search engine and Web
  1. If you want to find one name George Bush on a list of 1,000 names on a web page, how do you do that?
  2. If you make a detail inquiry in a search engine, and you come up empty-handed, what should be your next step?
  3. When would you use a Web directory to find some information instead of using a keyword in a search engine?
  4. What are filters when you are talking about search engines?
  5. What is Webmail as compared to email through an email client?
  6. What program opens a .pdf file? Can a .pdf file be seen through a Web page?
  7. What in general terms is a computer that is a server? What is a computer that is a client? How does this apply to the Internet?
  8. How does one computer find another computer on the Internet?
  9. What is the difference between a dialup connection and a broadband connection to the Internet?
  10. What are newsgroups and where can you find them? What is instant messaging? What is a listserve? What is chat?  What is a browser?